
Hybrid Forage Sorghum

  • Sudan x Sudan Grass
  • Very fine stemmed for better hay making and round bale silage
  • Ultra Delayed Flowering
  • Photoperiod sensitive to ensure flowering time
  • Easy Spray out with glysophate
  • Excellent option for green manure crop
  • Rapid regrowth and recovery if cutting is not delayed
Hybrid Finerdan (Already 1.6m tall only 4 weeks after being cut)

This is a very fine stemmed forage sorghum that is photoperiod sensitive, ensuring it is ultralate flowering. This ensures ease of management, particularly over large areas in periods of wet weather when cutting may be delayed. The very fine stems of Finerdan make it very suited to hay making and round bale silage. Even though this hybrid displays delayed flowering, grazing or cutting should not be unnecessarily delayed, It is recommended to use the crop when it is around 1m-1.5m tall. During favourable conditions regrowth is rapid allowing the potential for multiple cuts or grazing throughout the season. Trials conducted in the Ord River Region of Western Australia show Finerdan was cut at 1.4m tall and recut again 4 weeks laterat 1.6m.